1. What is your name/artist name?


2. What does your artist name mean?

My stage name represents 4 stages of growth and change I went through to become who I am now. The number 4 correlates with a lot in nature. 4 seasons, 4 elements etc.... On a spiritual level my artistry has grown to become very self aware and conscious of who I am. 

3. What is your creative process like?

I never force any of my music. I live and let the experiences write themselves. I make music based around my life and pull influence from those around me at times. When I find the right beats I lock myself alone in the studio, catch my vibes and hop on the mic.

4. What are the key qualities of your work? How would you describe your creations?

 What makes my music "me" is the passion I put into it. Every line stems from somewhere and has some meaning to it. I have many layers vocal wise to my music. I would describe my creations as individual experiences that are easy to feel and relate to.

5. What are sources of inspiration for your work?

My inspiration comes from my past and my future. Like I said I make music about what I'm going through at the time or a lot of the times I feel like my higher self is telling me what to write about and my songs will manifest later in my life. My last project "Paradox" was recorded one Year unconsciously and the following year everything I spoke about in each song manifested.




6. How long have you been creating?

  I've been making music since I was 13. I'd say I started actually putting music out in 2010.

7. Who does your art speak to? Who is your audience?

My art speaks to anyone who can feel. I don't like to categorize myself but if I had to I'd say my audience is highschool, college, artistic, everyday ppl who enjoy storytelling and get music. 

8. What is the purpose of your work?

The purpose of my work is to tell my story to influence other to open up and not feel weird about telling theirs. I've realized a lot of ppl go with what they know or try to fit in or try to be cool or whatever. I make music that ppl may relate to, to help ppl get through what they are going through whether it's a relationship, a lost, or just everyday life.

9. Are there any publications that have featured your works (including both local and national blogs)?

 I've been featured in Pigeons and Planes, 2 Dopeboyz, Hip Hop Dx, The Chicagoist, Fake Shore Drive, DJ Booth, Hypebeast and more blogwise. I have a song in Blockbuster film "King of the Avenue" starring Ving Rhames, have recorded multiple songs with Hip Hop/Rock legend DMC of Run Dmc and more.

10. What is the most important idea you want people to receive about your work?

I just want ppl to listen to my music and appreciate the realism. I want people to understand that for me it ain't about being famous or making money and that it's about the art and culture for me. If I wanted to be famous I would follow the trends of the industry but I've always went against the grain.